Tuesday, 6 July 2010

Project Plan Post 6 of 7: Projected Timeline, Workplan & Overall Project Methodology


Laura, as project manager, will be responsible for managing the processes by which the project engages with end users, and feeds the information thus obtained back into the development work.  Responsibility for monitoring each individual end user communication channel (eg Mendeley support systems, DSpace support systems, CARET support) will lie with the existing personnel responsible for those channels, who will be aware of the project and in close contact with the relevant project team members.

Laura will also be responsible for the dissemination plan, ensuring that others in the programme and beyond learn about the project's outputs and learnings, and that JISC stay up to date with the work so that they can support the project in sharing findings with the wider sector in appropriate ways.

Responsibility for the technical work packages is detailed in each work package below.

The formal agreements between the partner organisations will be the responsibility of John Norman at CARET.

Work packages
The various work packages are described below, with deliverables and responsible project team member shown.  Further detail on each work package follows in subsequent blog posts, so that this post isn't incredibly long :)

  • WP1: Open/Standardised interface
    •  Responsible: Jason Hoyt, Mendeley
    • Deliverables:
      • D 1.1 User interface requirements document (month 2)
      • D 1.2 Client-side authentication interface (month 9)
      • D 1.3 User interface for selecting documents to be deposited (month 9)
  • WP2: Symplectic interface
    • Responsible: Daniel Hook, Symplectic
    • Deliverables:
      • D 2.1 Mendeley as a data source (month 3)
      • D 2.2 Mendeley back-sync from Symplectic (month 4)
      • D 2.3 Authentication methodology (month 5)
      • D 2.4 Mendeley “Push” functionality (month 7)
  • WP3: Integration in IR Systems
    • Responsible: Jason Hoyt, Mendeley
    • Deliverables:
      • D 3.1 Connect Mendeley to Symplectic and transmit user documents (month 9)
      • D 3.2 Open APIs developed and implemented within Mendeley to use as alternate means of depositing content (month 9) 
      • D 3.3 Report on the use of OA-RJ (month 10)
  • WP4: Requirements design, testing and dissemination, project management
    • Responsible: Laura James, CARET, University of Cambridge
    • Deliverables: 
      • D 4.1 Requirements definition document (month 1) 
      • D 4.2 Dissemination, testing, and feedback report (month 12)
      • D 4.3 Project kick-off meeting (Month 1) 
      • D 4.4 Project meetings (incl. minutes) (months 3, 6, 9) and final project report (month 12)
      • D 4.5 Sharing learnings with wider community via event(s) (month 12+)
      • D 4.6 Report on end user engagement and its implications for sustainability (month 12)


 Workplan timings

1 comment:

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